Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Traveling Alone

Today has been a difficult day... A lonely day.

These days happen when you're traveling alone. Heck, these days happen when you live alone. But one of the differences is that when you're at home, you can call a friend and meet them for a coffee or go visit your family. You have options. Don't get me wrong, I know that here I am sitting in a cafe in Melbourne and that life cannot be that hard! But despite being in this amazing place and being grateful for these incredible experiences, I'm still lonely.

I wish that I had one of my family members or friends sitting with me, having a chat, talking about how cool St Kilda is (the suburb I'm staying in), being able to laugh with at the guy that just walked by wearing a t-shirt that says "I love to fart!" (This seriously just happened lol).

These past 3 months have been full of amazing moments but it would be even more amazing to have someone here to share them with.

My iPod crashed just when I was leaving Brissie for Melbourne, and I seriously panicked a bit because I worried I wouldn't be able to connect with my family and friends back home, while I was on this trip. I know I shouldn't be that dependent on a piece of technology but I freely admit that I am.

My days of traveling alone are done after this trip. I can finally accept that I am a social being and being around the people I love and care about, is a huge huge part of my life. Travel and adventure are part of my life too but it's time for me to start planning trips with friends and family, from now on, or booking group tours because my days of solo travel have become much more "me" time than I can handle.

On that note, I am so grateful and so excited that this will be my only solo trip. I've booked in with a small group from Dubbo who are doing a winery and footy tour the end of April. I've planned weekends away with my Aussie friends to Orange and to watch sporting events throughout May and June. I'll be visiting the farm in Coonambe. I also know that Diana will be arriving in less than 3 months and that starts a different part of this great Aussie adventure - being able to share this with one of my best friends and my whole family.

For now, I'll try to get over my loneliness and make the very best of this trip to Melbourne, because even though it's a bad day, I have to remember that it's still a day in Australia :)

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