Saturday, April 21, 2012

I love that accent!

Having been in Australia for 4 months, I honestly forget that I have an accent. The people I see everyday don't comment on it, people at school and the regular stores I shop at. But being on this holiday, I've heard a few times: "I love your accent!" My usual response is "Well, I love yours," which is completely the truth.

As much as people love my accent, I love the Aussie accent. I love their slang, their sayings and their manners. Granted, sometimes I have to ask people to repeat themselves, but usually I can get it. I can't help but think how Diana and my family will do with the Aussie slang when they get here, but I look forward to seeing if they enjoy it as much as I do :)

What usually follows the "I love your accent" comment, is "Is that American or Canadian?" When I first got here, it actually bothered me a bit to be asked if I was American, due to the friendly rivalry we have with our neighbors to the south. However, it doesn't seem to bother me anymore. We all make mistakes and trying to guess where people are from, so I should cut them some slack when guessing my accent.

I have noticed something that does annoy me though, and my Great Ocean Road tour mates will laugh at this... The fact that people think because I'm Canadian I shouldn't be cold. What in the world? I understand why they're thinking it, but at some point common sense should kick in.

I've heard this comment a few times when I've said that I was feeling cold. "What? You're cold?! How can you be cold, you're Canadian?" Seriously, I know that we can survive cold temperatures, ok, really cold temperatures but it's because of the many layers we wear and the fact that our cars, homes, stores and offices are all heated. And just because we can survive in those temperatures doesn't mean we don't get cold. At -40C, anyone would be cold!

One of the people on our tour was from Italy and he made this same comment to me. Had he not been so arrogant perhaps I would have responded more kindly, but I just shared my thoughts on how silly this stereotype is, more or less :) The rest of us, had a laugh about it throughout our 3 day tour... Robin constantly saying, "You can't be cold, you're Canadian... And don't you live with bears?!" ha ha!

But, that's a story for another post...

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