Thursday, April 19, 2012



The last day of our Great Ocean Road tour had us say goodbye to each other and an amazing few days together. Thank goodness for email and Facebook!

I headed to Hobart, Tasmania where I took an amazing, adrenaline filled, boat ride on the Tasman Penninsula.

As my trip comes to an end, I thought back to the last 12 days and reflected...

Half of my 12 day trip was spent on tour buses with tour groups. I met people from every continent except South America and Antarctica. I met locals, backpackers, holidayers, and retirees. I had tour guides by the names of Jon, Tom, Ben, Cane and Phil.

We visited Phillip Island, The Great Ocean Road, The Grampians, and Tasman Island. We stopped at wineries, conservation centers, Aboriginal cultural centers, viewpoints, beaches and villages.

I saw the last surviving colony of penguins in Australia and stood within arms reach of them. I saw the highest cliffs in the Southern Hemisphere. I sat in the middle of 6 meter waves, with winds gusting at 60 knots (about 110km/hr) at the point where the Southern Ocean meets the Tasman Sea.

We saw Fairy Penguins, Emus, Koalas, Kangaroos, Wallabies, Dolphins, Sheep, Cows, Cockatoos, Kookaburras, Cape Baron Geese, Pelicans, Black Faced Cormorants, albatrosses, Black Oyster Catchers and Australian and New Zealand Fur Seals...all in the wild.

These experiences, the things I saw and did, all of it was amazing. But I feel that if I wouldn't have shared it with the incredible people I met, it wouldn't have been the same. The laughs and jokes we shared will for we be a highlight of my trip to Australia.

Thank you for the experiences and thanks for the memories! Thank goodness for enjoyable tour groups and amazing tour leaders!

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