Monday, April 9, 2012

The Difference of a Year

No I haven't been here one year yet and I'm not wishing away this year or trying to rush this experience. However, one year ago today my life saw some amazing changes!!

One year ago, I made the choice to change my life, for the better.

That decision was one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make and probably ever will. I chose drastic change and uncertainty... I chose strength, life, family, and happiness.

Despite the rollercoaster ride it's been, I've never regretted that choice or looked back or thought "what if".

I keep coming back to two very important lessons that i actually teach my students each and everyday:
1.) every choice has a consequence/outcome - you are responsible for and in control of your choices and therefore the consequences or outcomes that follow
2.) our words have the power to hurt or to heal. Every time you say something, remember that!

I feel like I've actually done more than preach those lessons, I've now learned those lessons for myself and they shape the person I am each day.

I made the choice to change my life and the positive outcome was that I became a better, happier, stronger, more appreciative version of myself.

That's why I greet each day with gratitude, awareness and happiness.
Wherever you are today, I wish you many blessings and much happiness.

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