Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Honk If You Stop For Wildlife! Honk! Honk!

One of the funniest moments of the whole trip, was this quote from Dad "Honk if you stop for wildlife, honk, honk!!"  He comes up with some good ones I tell you and I am still laughing about this one!

It was on the road between the Clare Valley and Broken Hill, after seeing so many emus and wild goats, that Dad pulled the car over to get some photos of the crazy emus running through the scrum.  Out of the blue, he said these words and it summed up our trip in some ways.

As I've said before, the wildlife in Australia is fascinating and seeing Mom and Dad get excited about roos and koalas, reminded me of what I was like when I first got here and honestly, am still like today.

Our running total became a sort of game, so here it is...

Echidna 2

Wallabies 50+

Penguins 500+

Kangaroos - didn't count but HEAPS!

Dolphins 4

Porpoises 2

Humpback Whales 2

Seals 1

Sea Lions 70

Koalas 16

Emus 200+

Lizards 15

Brown Snakes 2


Wedge-Tail Eagles

Galahs, Cockatoos, Kookaburras and other birds

Here's some photos of a few of the critters we saw along the way...


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