Thursday, November 8, 2012

Halloween in Dubbo

I'm catching up on the last couple of weeks, as it was a busy time with Mom and Dad, and honestly, I was more concerned about spending time with them than anything else  :)

In Australia, Halloween is becoming a celebration that more and more people are taking part in.  10 years ago, so I'm told, there was nothing to do with Halloween in the stores or anywhere.  Last year in Dubbo, my students told me that some of them went trick-or-treating.  They were either given snack food from people who weren't expecting them, lollies from people who had embraced Halloween or were told to "Get lost!!  We don't celebrate that American holiday!"  That's quite the diverse reaction, but in a country that is becoming more influenced by America (people here don't say the States or US, they say America), Halloween was more of a celebration this year than ever before.  The shops had decorations, Halloween candy and even imported easy to carve pumpkins (that'd be our pumpkins from back home).  I really wanted a pumpkin but at $3/kg, I just couldn't do it!

In my class, of course Halloween was a celebration!  Come on, it is every year and I get away with it because I say it's just my birthday party... that's if anyone has a problem  :)  I've been trying to share things from Canada with my students and to me, this was another celebration to share from back home.  My students dressed up in costumes, watched Disney's Sleepy Hallow, ate Halloween cupcakes and learned all about the history of Halloween.  It was a great day at school and even better, because my students were so excited and because I had Mom and Dad there to celebrate with me.

For my birthday festivities, which always seem to go for more than one day... even still at my age  :)  We had my birthday dinner on October 30th with Bridget and Geoff.  For our birthday dinner, we always get to choose whatever we'd like to have.  I chose Mom's homemade BBQ hamburgers, potato salad and cheesecake.  YUM!!  First time I've had homemade burgers all year and they were delicious!  We were lucky enough to share a few dinners with Bridget and Geoff, while Mom and Dad were here.  I have become an honorary member of their family and their house is the one I go to for a sleepover or whenever I need a mommy or daddy cuddle.  Yes I know, I'm 36, but I still need those cuddles!  Bridget and Geoff have been instrumental in my Aussie education this year, teaching me about everything Aussie, especially sport!  For my birthday gift, their family gave me themed gifts: Aussie things I love - Turkish Delight and Galahs!  There are lots more things I love of course, but these are definitely in the top 5!

For my actual birthday day, we headed out to the dam with my other Aussie family, the Parishes, and Bridget and Geoff.  We met there for a boat ride, an amazing sunset, and Jacki's infamous birthday cakes and lollies tray!  The Parishes have become very dear friends also and they have welcomed me into their lives and home.  Whenever I need kid time, a sisterly chat, puppy cuddles and just a chance to process things, they're who I go to.

The lead up to my birthday was an emotional one, as I was starting to think about the fact that mom and dad would be leaving soon. I was also thinking about the fact that it would be my first birthday/Halloween without Heather and Todd and the kids. Usually on Halloween, I would take the kids trick-or-treating (of course they're too old and cool for that now lol), but we would all end up at my place or at the Weavers when the night was done. We would order take out, have some drinks and raid the kids' candy bags for our favorites! Those memories made this birthday particularly hard.

However, I was incredibly lucky to have Mom and Dad here, and to be able to share it with wonderful, new friends.

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