Sunday, November 25, 2012

18 More Get Ups!!!

It seems like it was only a short time ago that I said goodbye to my family and friends, and set out on this amazing adventure.  But now, here I am... with 18 more get ups until Heather and the kids fly into Sydney and we begin our Aussie Adventure together.  The image of them coming through the gate at Sydney International Airport (hope I get the right one, hey Diana??  ha ha!!), has kept me going for a long time.  I miss them like crazy and can't wait to have them all here!!!!!!!

The year truly has flown by and I honestly can't wrap my head around the vastness and amazing-ness of this experience.

Right now, I'm in report card mode so I'm trying not to think too much about goodbyes or packing, as I just can't believe that I'll be leaving Dubbo in just 24 days. 

Being at the end of my year, people are starting to ask if I would stay longer if I could, am I sad to go, will I be back, did I love it?

My response is a difficult one because I do love Australia and am so grateful for this year that I've had.  But, home is home.  This has been an incredible holiday, but at some point, your thoughts start to return to real life and home.  Canada will always be my home, but the other countries that I have been fortunate enough to live in, Japan and Australia, will always hold a special place in my heart.  The people I met in Japan are friends that I still keep in touch with.  I would love to be able to see them all again!  That will be true for Australia!  I have been so lucky to have made new friends here and there are going to be many tears when I leave.  I truly will be sad to leave each and everyone of them.  But, I look forward to emails, text messages and visits as soon as they possibly can.  My friends here have become friends for life  :)

I will of course have much more to share as my final days get closer and closer, but for now, I must direct my focus back to report cards so that I can finish them and enjoy my last few weeks with amazing friends!

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