Saturday, February 25, 2012

Keeping Balanced

I started this blog post today, wanting to share insights into keeping balance.  Balance between being a tourist here, a resident and a teacher. I started typing and nothing seemed to come out the way I wanted it to, the words just sounded kind of cliche.

So, I changed my mind and thought you know what, I had an amazing day at Burrendong Dam yesterday and instead of being all insightful, I decided to share with you what I get to see...

Balance is important in life, period.  We have to stay mentally, emotionally and physically healthy as much as we possibly can, not letting our energies be pulled in too many directions.  That will be my goal this week, so that I have a good week.  That's it plain and simple. 

Now, enjoy the photos and the incredible beauty of Australia  :)

This kangaroo was only 8 feet away from us at one point.  Beautiful!!  This is the first time seeing one so close, but I don't know that I'll ever be used to seeing them hopping along in the wild.

There is something about the trees over here, that have captured my attention.

Everyone coming in after their final ski and packing up from our picnic spot for the day.

Looking back over Burrendong Dam.

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