Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Being Positive!!

Lately, I've been a little negative... a bit down, a bit out of sorts...  TIME TO CHANGE THAT!!!  :)

I have so much to be thankful for and to be positive about that I really need to focus on that.  I have let negativity in a bit and I just need to push that out.

Back in Alberta, I have a life coach who helps me to focus on the positive things in my life.  She teaches the science of happiness and the importance of being grateful in our lives.  I keep a gratitude journal and I encourage my students to do the same.

So, today, I focus on happiness and gratitude. Here are just some of the things that I am grateful for and things that I just can't get enough of in Australia:
  • the Aussie sense of service, hospitality and welcoming nature
  • Australian patriotism
  • amazing country skies
  • school uniforms
  • the fact that people love my accent as much as I love their's
  • that my students are incredibly patient with the Canadian way I say things and don't ever correct me unless I ask them
  • how I have come to use "oi" and "whinge" as part of my daily language
  • the way people kiss each other on the cheek when they meet/greet you
  • hanging clothes out on laundry day
  • the kindness that the people of Dubbo have shown me

I am also and most importantly, so incredibly grateful for my family and friends who have supported me and encouraged me in this adventure.  I know it's not always easy, but having their support has allowed me to find my happy again and smile more than I have in a long time.

There are so many things that I love about Australia and I'm so glad that I've been able to share them with people back home through Facebook updates, emails and blogs.  I promise that they'll be more positive, but just like life back home, we have ups and downs.  It's all in how we handle those ups and downs that determine who we are.

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