Saturday, February 25, 2012

Keeping Balanced

I started this blog post today, wanting to share insights into keeping balance.  Balance between being a tourist here, a resident and a teacher. I started typing and nothing seemed to come out the way I wanted it to, the words just sounded kind of cliche.

So, I changed my mind and thought you know what, I had an amazing day at Burrendong Dam yesterday and instead of being all insightful, I decided to share with you what I get to see...

Balance is important in life, period.  We have to stay mentally, emotionally and physically healthy as much as we possibly can, not letting our energies be pulled in too many directions.  That will be my goal this week, so that I have a good week.  That's it plain and simple. 

Now, enjoy the photos and the incredible beauty of Australia  :)

This kangaroo was only 8 feet away from us at one point.  Beautiful!!  This is the first time seeing one so close, but I don't know that I'll ever be used to seeing them hopping along in the wild.

There is something about the trees over here, that have captured my attention.

Everyone coming in after their final ski and packing up from our picnic spot for the day.

Looking back over Burrendong Dam.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Being Positive!!

Lately, I've been a little negative... a bit down, a bit out of sorts...  TIME TO CHANGE THAT!!!  :)

I have so much to be thankful for and to be positive about that I really need to focus on that.  I have let negativity in a bit and I just need to push that out.

Back in Alberta, I have a life coach who helps me to focus on the positive things in my life.  She teaches the science of happiness and the importance of being grateful in our lives.  I keep a gratitude journal and I encourage my students to do the same.

So, today, I focus on happiness and gratitude. Here are just some of the things that I am grateful for and things that I just can't get enough of in Australia:
  • the Aussie sense of service, hospitality and welcoming nature
  • Australian patriotism
  • amazing country skies
  • school uniforms
  • the fact that people love my accent as much as I love their's
  • that my students are incredibly patient with the Canadian way I say things and don't ever correct me unless I ask them
  • how I have come to use "oi" and "whinge" as part of my daily language
  • the way people kiss each other on the cheek when they meet/greet you
  • hanging clothes out on laundry day
  • the kindness that the people of Dubbo have shown me

I am also and most importantly, so incredibly grateful for my family and friends who have supported me and encouraged me in this adventure.  I know it's not always easy, but having their support has allowed me to find my happy again and smile more than I have in a long time.

There are so many things that I love about Australia and I'm so glad that I've been able to share them with people back home through Facebook updates, emails and blogs.  I promise that they'll be more positive, but just like life back home, we have ups and downs.  It's all in how we handle those ups and downs that determine who we are.

Monday, February 13, 2012

When in Rome, Do as the Romans do

I know this might sound like a strange post title, but it's what my sister told me the other day and it's part of the inspiration for this blog post.

I've been thinking about what to write for the last few days and trying not to let an incident from last weekend affect me. I started flicking through notes I've been making on my iPod and came across one of the first things I wrote: "experiences are what you make of them!" This ties into "When in Rome, do as the Romans do"... Let me show you how...

The other day, a group of Canadian exchange teachers and Aussie former exchangees, came together for a welcome picnic. A few of us met in nearby Mudgee (known for its wineries and yuppie flavor by people from Sydney who jet in for the weekend). Anyways, we met there and then drove out together to Hill End. I was looking quite forward to this as I was given a bit of gold rush history linked to this area (Ali's ancestors settled in Hill End). The drive into the country was amazing and we thought it looked like BC to us ... Rolling hills, beautiful big green trees, winding roads.

The town itself is tiny tiny!! But the old buildings are clearly the draw for tourists who walk through the town reading guide posts that teach you about Hill End and the historic buildings that remain. For someone who loves history, this was the perfect spot for our picnic.

However, on our walk around town, we somehow started talking about meat pies. I seriously have no idea how it happened, but that's what we were discussing when one of the Aussie's said "You stupid Canadians! You don't know how to eat a meat pie, you don't even know how to make meat pies." I was seriously dumbfounded, did someone seriously just say "Stupid Canadians"? No, that can't possibly have happened. I made a quiet remark about French Canadians being famous for their tourtière and then let it go.

We continued our walk and went into a small art shop where I met Genevieve. She and her husband Bill run Hill End printing press.
Their artwork was beautiful and the pieces they created using the 100 year old printing press were my favorites.

We went into the local pub where we had a glass of beer and enjoyed the local scenes - a guy who rode his horse to the pub, an older gentleman sitting outside the general store (cowboy hat and all), enjoying a drink while country music (banjos loud and clear) played. Total country and it was fantastic!

We now moved onto the actual picnic and were enjoying our beautiful lunch when I heard it again, "You stupid Canadians, you don't know what good bread is. I couldn't wait to get back to Australia to have good bread." And then again with regards to cheese and bacon. I believe we heard the statement "You stupid Canadians."

For those of you that know me, you know that I'm not one to keep my mouth shut. However, one of my goals this year was to find a filter for my mouth once again. I always feel the need to comment or retort back when someone says something that I don't agree with but especially when someone says something rude or unjustified. Now I'm trying to put myself in the other person's shoes. Think about why they're saying something and why they think that.

In this situation I was so shocked that I just couldn't say anything, just sit there. I didn't say a word because I would have then said something rude depending our cheese, bacon and bread!

Do you see the ridiculousness of it all?! Cheese, bacon and bread! Now I can actually find it quite funny because in Sylvan Lake we have a cheese shop that wins awards for their delicious cheeses. Last time I checked maple bacon was pretty delicious and wouldn't be the same without the maple flavoring/syrup that Canada is known for around the world. And our bread, well the Flax bread at the City Roast coffee shop in Red Deer or Sobey's sourdough loaf are some of the best breads I've ever had.

That was what was so ridiculous about what was being said and how it was said. Maybe these ladies were trying to make a joke. But let me tell you, whenever you refer to someone as "stupid" it is not funny. It's rude, thoughtless and offensive, especially when you're referring to a whole country of people.

Each experience is what you make it! I can choose to be like those 2 women or I can move on from it and learn from it. And that's exactly what I've done. Luckily for me, these 2 ladies showed me exactly how not to act in a foreign county or when speaking to foreigners. They reminded me to be thoughtful and kind in my words and respectful of those around me. I'm actually grateful for this experience because that's a reminder that we all need to hear once in awhile.

I'm just so grateful that all of the other Aussies I've met have been so wonderful. These 2 ladies seem to be an exception, not the norm. Because the amazing Aussies I've met have welcomed me into their homes, their lives, their families and have shown unwavering thoughtfulness and generosity. They are genuinely interested in Canada and love how we say things differently. They don't ever correct me when I've said the wrong thing because they know what I'm talking about even if I got the Aussie word wrong. They've taught me about their sports (cricket is the focus now) and they have shown me that hospitality is yet another thing that Australia should be known for.

That brings me to the quote my sister shared on Facebook.... When in Rome, do as the Romans do. This could be "When in Canada, do as the Canadians do." It could be any country. I feel it's so important when you're visiting or living in a foreign country to be respectful of and adapt to local customs and the way of life. Just because we do something a certain way in Canada doesn't mean that's the acceptable way to do it in another country. Really it all comes down to respect and cultural sensitivity. Perhaps we all need to do that a bit more no matter where we are. I'm not saying that we should set aside our beliefs and ideals, but that we should just be aware that those don't suit every person or every country.

I'll leave you on that note and tell you that each day I'm here, I try to do as the Aussies would do. And because of that, I'm adapting to life here well and honestly, still loving every minute of it.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Updates on Advenutres

Well, for those of you that know me, know that I sometimes get behind on my updates on Facebook and getting back to people on email... seems the same can be said for blogs.  Oops!  What can I say?? I've been very very busy, enjoying every minute of this adventure.

Last time I did a big update, was on my way up the coast...

I was in a small town called, Woolgoolga, just north of Coffs Harbour.  I couldn't find a room for under $150 in Coffs Harbour so I looked just outside of it and found this amazing little spot.  The people were friendly, hotel was clean with air conditioning, and the fish and chips was awesome!

After Woolgoolga, I headed up the coast to Brisbane to see my Aunt and Uncle who live there.  I was last there 8 years ago and couldn't wait to see them again!  The week was a wine and food feast!  It did rain a lot but honestly, I was just there for family time and not sightseeing, so I wasn't worried about the weather.  We enjoyed a lazy week because of the rain and spent time shopping, touring around, eating, drinking and repeat  :)  We had some wonderful visitors during our meals...

From Brisbane, I headed out on the long journey between there and Coonamble.  It was a 9 hour drive but the scenery was amazing and it was well worth it because I got to meet my exchange partner's parents who live there.  Wonderful people, wonderful hospitality!

Setting out on that adventure, was the best thing I could have done upon arriving in Australia.  I was able to overcome one of my biggest fears for the year and it just set the right tone for the days to follow. Coming back to Dubbo, I was happy to be coming back here, to my Aussie home.  I was excited to see my new friends and to continue enjoying Dubbo.  Since we talked last, that's exactly what I've been doing.

It was an amazing adventure, all 2,200km of it, and I look forward to many more to come.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Flix in the Stix

Hello everyone and my apologies for the long delay between posts.... what can I say???  I was enjoying my holidays  :)

I will be posting some more stuff this week to let you know what I've been up to, but I wanted to share a quick something with you.

Last night, I attended an event called Flix in the Stix, here in Dubbo.  It's a traveling presentation of Murray Hartin - storyteller, James Reyne - songwriter and performer, and a variety of short films.  It was supposed to be outside at a nearby wine estate, but the weather just didn't cooperate with us and the event was moved indoors to the local convention centre and theatre.  It was still an amazing night and I wanted to share a bit with you...

Here are some youtube clips from Murray Hartin and James Reyne.  Enjoy!!