Saturday, January 7, 2012

Technology and Traveling

This past week I've realized just how amazing technology is, especially for someone who's a traveler but loves to keep in touch with family and friends.

When I was in Japan, I didn't have a laptop, a mobile phone, wi-fi, an iPod, nothing. Within the first couple of days, homesickness hit and so did the loneliness. I felt detached from everything I knew and the shock of it all was very difficult.

Here I am now with wi-fi in the house, plus a laptop, and my iPod which has iMessage and FaceTime. We have social networking sites like Facebook and Google+, and sites like this to share our thoughts and experiences. We are now able to travel, be off on an amazing adventure, but keep in touch with our world back home.

I've iMessaged or Facebooked almost all of my friends and family in the past week and it's made this first week of settling in much easier. Hearing their voice, seeing their faces and even just getting a quick text to say hello, makes a huge difference.

I miss things about home for sure... My family, friends, and students of course. And being away from the people you love can be very hard, especially when you're as close as my family is. Today's the first time I've teared up a bit about being so far away for such a long time... Since I was bawling in the airport, of course :)

Knowing that everyone is just a phone call, text or FaceTime away sets the tears aside, and lets me focus on how amazing this adventure is.

Technology lets me be a world traveler and adventurer, but keeps those in my heart close by.

1 comment:

  1. Wow love the change! It is very easy to read :). Hope you are enjoying the warm moist weather ;)

    From the Other Heather
