Friday, August 12, 2016

All is good :)

Hello everyone!!

I've probably got a few of you worried since its been more than a few days since my last post! So sorry!

We are safely in Cape Town and loving it! But we were very sorry to leave the bush after an amazing 4 days at Kapama Private Game Reserve! It is located in the greater Kruger National Park area and you have the chance to see the Big 5!

Having now left the bush, it's giving me a chance to reflect on our time there. I have nothing but wonderful things to say and I can't wait to come back and do more safari-ing!! Our schedule was very busy! We had to get a wake up call at 5:30am, then we could go to a light breakfast at 6:00am and be ready at our safari vehicle for our morning game drive at 6:30am. This game drive lasted for about 3 hours. During that time we would get one morning tea/coffee break out in the bush. Once we returned, we would have a full breakfast.  Then we had a full lunch at 1:00. At 3:30 we could have snacks and tea/coffee and game drives started at 4:00 again! These ones lasted for 3 hours  also and when we returned we would have supper around the boma (fire) with our ranger, from 7:30 on. And everyday we did it again and again :)  It was full on and naps were needed in between for sure!

Each vehicle had a ranger and tracker with them. Our ranger was Edward and our tracker was Fanie. They were amazing!!! And while the leopard did elude us during the week, we saw tracks and they sure did their best to try and track them. We saw so many animals though and so many things! Almost everyday, we saw elephants, rhinos and lions!  We also consistently saw Cape Buffalo, impala, kudu, water bucks, so many birds, giraffes, zebras, hippos, wildebeest, nyala, vultures, and duikers. We also got to see crocodiles, steenboks (the smallest antelope in the area), the lesser bush baby, a white faced owl, jackals and even a python.  We even witnessed lions feeding on 2 different animals they had killed and came upon 1 animal they had just killed! I'm sure I've missed many animals we saw but there was just soooo much and everyday was a new adventure and I loved every single minute of it!!

This bull elephant was walking directly towards to me... Our vehicle was told not to move or make a sound as we were in the middle of the herd!

This elephant came up right beside Dad and our ranger, Edward.

Our first time seeing rhinos!!

Dad chatting with Edward around the boma.

You have to bundle up on the game drives.. Before the sun comes up and after the sun goes down... Brrrr!

Learning about the Marula tree.

Lion selfie!! This make lion was huge and beautiful!!! Our first lion sighting at Kapama!!

This male lion had just fed and could barely move he was so full!! We found the zebra later... But I won't post that post that pic as its a little graphic for the kids!!

So many lions! It was incredible!

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