Sunday, July 24, 2016

London is Calling!

We have arrived safely in London after an amazing flight!!

I'm not going to lie.. For some reason, I was a mess leading up to this flight! Usually I'm ok. I'm busy, and not always so organized, but I'm not usually nervous. However, this time around, my stomach was in knots, I was on the verge of tears at times, and I was just a mess; all the way up until we checked in at the airport. 

I guess there could be a few reasons for this nervousness... Worrying about getting sick from our malaria pills we have to take to help us from getting sick from malaria, the uncertainty of flying into what will be new and very different, for me, countries, the uncertainty of political stability and safety.. And really so much more. So, I guess it was just a lot of uncertainty and a lot of unknown factors. But along with all of that, there has also been so much EXCITEMENT!!

I feel blessed and grateful to be sharing this opportunity with my parents and I really do look forward to all of the wonderful adventures that lie ahead!!

Now that we are in London, the nervousness has given way to tiredness. Mom and Dad are asleep near me in Heathrow, as I keep an eye on the bags, and they get some rest.  So, while they do that, I'll update the blog and post some photos for everyone :)

Be safe, be well and enjoy your

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