Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Spring Holidays Week 1

Well, the first week of holidays has passed and as I type this, we are traveling across the Backstairs Passage, crossing from Kangaroo Island back to the mainland of South Australia.  The crossing is much easier today as the water is very calm compared to a few days ago... My head and stomach are grateful, very grateful.

It's been a whirlwind! We've been in New South Wales, Australia Capital Territory, Victoria, and South Australia.  We've travelled through countrysides, rolling hills and along coastlines, visited 2 islands and travelled by car, boat, ferry, tram, and bus. 

We toured some of the incredible sites in Canberra, to learn about Australia's history.  Been on a whale watching boat on the Southeast coast of Australia to witness the migration of the Humpback Whales. Felt the buzzing energy in the Melbourne CBD as the city wound up for Grand Final Weekend (like the Stanley Cup finals but for Rugby League and Aussie Rules Footy).  Took part in the nightly penguin parade as hundreds of penguins made their way to their burrows after feeding in the ocean, swimming, waddling, falling because of very full bellies, hopping across the rocks and settling on the front porch of their burrows to recover from a massive trip. Stood 2 feet away from koalas and wallabies in a Conservation Centre. Witnessed the awe inspiring sunrise and sunset beauty of the Great Ocean Road.  Enjoyed some down time and sea lion watching on Kangaroo Island (ironically the only kangaroos we saw were not alive).

Now comes Adelaide and the wine regions of South Australia and the outback of Broken Hill and Lake Eyre. It will be a very full few days, just as the past week has been, but there's just so much to see in this amazing country that you have to make the holidays count.

It's hard to believe a week of holidays has already passed and that it's almost been a month since Mom and Dad arrived in Australia. I'm so incredibly blessed to be able to share this with them!  There's been a lot of laughing, some squawking (that only happens when I get anxious driving in the cities and it's usually directed at Tony the Tom Tom GPS) constant exploring and discovering and amazing experiences each and every day.  I am truly content and so grateful :)

Well, the ferry is getting closer to the mainland and we have to finish our meat pie.... Thanks to Bob Hennig for his recommendation of this. He said it was the best pies he had while they visited Australia and we would have to agree that it's pretty yummy.

Signing off from the Sealion 2000 ferry...

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