Thursday, August 23, 2012

Chillin Out in my Country Town, Dubbo

I just reread my last post and realized that I was going to post part 2 after lunch with friends... hee hee, sorry about that.  I must get more regular with posting.  There was so much to say when I first got here but I feel like now people might be sick of hearing about my adventures... I don't want to be like "Oh, look at me in Australia."  Hope it hasn't ever come across like that and hopefully, you're still enjoying the posts.  I have set aside time each week to blog from now until I leave.  So, check back once a week, on Thursday or Friday as I'll update from the week before.  Mom and Dad will be here soon and the adventures will start up all over again!

Diana and I had an amazing month while she was here, but I was exhausted and emotional when she left.  It was harder saying goodbye than I thought it would be, for sure.  Harder because we had so much fun road tripping around New South Wales that when I left her and had to drive that long drive back to Dubbo, all alone, it kind of sucked!  I missed my road trip buddy and my friend, what can I say?!  However, I am so grateful that she came to visit and it means so much that she came to share this with me.  What would we do without our friends and family?

On that drive home from the airport, I got over the Blue Mountains and into the rolling hills that is the Central West and where I've been calling my Aussie home for the last 7 months. Sydney is great and I enjoy my weekends there, but coming back over those mountains and seeing nothing but the big blue sky and hills and trees... well I take great comfort in that because it reminds me of home.  The one big difference, and one that reminds me I'm in Australia, is to see a paddock full of kangaroos eating or hopping around.  I will never get over the awe and beauty of that moment and those Aussie creatures that I love so much!

My plan, after Diana left, was to take some down time and enjoy friends and time around Dubbo.  I've been so busy taking off to other places, that I don't always get to just chill out here.  I spent some time watching rugby with my Aussie foster parents, Bridget and Geoff, this month.  They truly have taken me under their wings and even have a room ready for me, and a glass of wine, whenever I need a little family time.

I teach with Bridget and Geoff is well known for his many talents, one of which is as a sports announcer and weekend radio host.  Because of that, he got invited to the Bledisloe Cup Test Game #1 in Sydney (Rugby Union Wallabies vs All Blacks).  Since I'm their foster daughter, I got to go along for the ride and even got to attend a pre game event put on by Castrol.

This is Mike Harris, an Inside Center, with the Wallabies.

This is Saia Faingaa, a Hooker, with the Wallabies.

Not only did I get to have a little cuddle and get a photo with these 2 cuties, which believe me, was hard to top, but I got to see new exchange teacher friends too!!!

Robyn, Scott and Leanne have all been to visit me in Dubbo and we were all able to meet up at the game together! It seriously was the best night I've had in Australia, right up there, tied with seeing the little penguins  :)

So, as you can see, it has been a month full of friends and good times, both in Dubbo and in Sydney.  It's been nice though to take things a bit slower and just really take in this whole experience and all of the joys the exchange and Dubbo have brought.

No matter where I've been in Australia, I always get the same response when I tell them I'm living in Dubbo.  "Dubbo?!  What the #@*% are you doing in Dubbo?"  My response is always the same: "I love Dubbo, you be nice to my country town."  Ha ha!  We are basically only known for the zoo, which is amazing, but it's more than that.  Dubbo has a small town feel where I can walk into the store for my morning paper and get a "G'day, how ya goin?"  and a "Enjoy your day." It's also where I can walk into shops and they just stare in awe at my accent and usually have to ask me to repeat my question, most often because they got lost in the accent  :)  I usually get asked if I'm American because it's all they're exposed to here (TV and music), but when I say I'm Canadian, it's always an excited, happy response!  I see my students and their parents uptown and walking down the street, I sometimes get a "Steph!!!" hollared at me by a friend passing by, and I always get a big hug and kiss when I see friends.  That's just how it is here!

I do love it here and the people I've met have been incredible.  As I've said before, I never thought that would be a part of this experience.  I was fairly withdrawn before I came and everyone here, the small town feel, and the incredible country hospitality and kindness has changed all of that.  The year is going to come to an end pretty quickly, with only 4 months left, but I know that Dubbo will always have a special place in my heart and I know I'll be back to visit the incredible people I've met and am now lucky enough to call my friends.

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