Friday, November 25, 2011

Preparing to Head to Oz

Yes, I'm packing and getting ready to head to Oz... no not, the Wonderful World of Oz, not following a yellow brick road, but heading down under to Australia!!

On April 19th, I got an email from Greg and Ali saying that they were so happy we had been paired as exchange partners!  I actually didn't know anything at that point, no confirmation had been given. So, I was ecstatic!!!  The emails started, so did the skyping, and the packing, and planning, and so on and so on.  It's been a whirlwind ever since April, but now my departure date is only 6 weeks away!!!

Greg, Ali and the boys will arrive in time to meet Greg's new students and coworkers, and in time to spend a Canadian Christmas with the Cardinals!

Until then, there is still much packing, preparing and visiting to do..

I'll update this as much as I can over the next little while and include little tidbits and links to let you in on the adventures that lie ahead...

To get you started, here's a link for some information on my new city: Dubbo, NSW

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