Monday, February 16, 2015

Adventures Near and Far

I've decided to rename my blog (if I can ha ha) because I've learned that adventures just aren't all about being overseas... Adventures can be found in your own backyard, your own province, your own country or abroad. For so long my adventures have been focused abroad and they've been absolutely amazing, but there's been a shift in my life and that's shifted my focus. So... Welcome to the newly named blog Steph's Adventures... Near and Far

It seems appropriate to rename my blog as I'm on a plane ha ha!! It's been 2 years since I've been on one and for anyone who knows me, that's a really long time! After returning from Australia, I guess maybe I was "planed" out.  I was on so many planes that year, visiting such incredible places almost every other month.  Almost everytime I had a break that year, I was on planes...

Once I came home, I felt the need to appreciate home for awhile. We enjoyed lakes and mountains and just some of the beauty that my home had to offer.  I regretted not escaping and being on a plane last winter however... The most brutal, long, cold winter I have experienced in my 38 years!!! So, this year, I booked some flights and decided to escape something that tears at my heart and makes me both love and hate my home at the same time - winter!

I am ocean bound now, headed to join my oldest nephew in his university home - Victoria!  The Alberta winter, although much much more milder than last, has really gotten to me and this long weekend escape is much much needed!

I'm sitting on the plane, flying over our majestic Rocky Mountains, the sun shining, and I am in awe. In awe at the power of an airplane and the spectacular escape it can offer us and the new perspective it can give us.  And while I am cuddled in nice and tight with the gentleman sitting beside me, in the ever shrinking seats, which we seem to keep paying more for lol, I am filled with gratitude!

Planes have shaped my true existence and have filled my life with much happiness. Every time I'm on a plane, I'm heading for some kind of experience that brought happiness to my life.... But now I've learned that I don't have to be overseas bound for that happiness. I'm finding so much happiness in all of my experiences... Both near and far.