Sunday, June 3, 2012

Long time no blog!

Hello everyone!  How have you all been?  So sorry about the long delay in posting... what can I say.. time just flies when you're having fun  :)

Since arriving back from Easter holidays, I've just been enjoying day to day life, living in Australia.  In the last month, I've loved being a resident, a local - hanging out with friends, watching soccer, shopping in town discovering new shops, meeting new people and all that comes with living in a new town.  Here's some updates and some photos...

As some of you know, just before I left Canada, I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis.  Not a fun diagnosis especially when you're leaving the country and have to find a support system and specialist over here.  Lucky for me, the amazing staff at the U of A hospital had me referred to someone in Dubbo the same day I was diagnosed.  Specialists tend not to be Dubbo residents but fly in from Sydney to meet with patients once a month or once every 2 weeks.  I was a little worried...  However, when I called my new specialists' office in Sydney to ask some questions and talk about the pain I was having, he actually got on the phone.  Again, very pleasantly surprised.  He told me to go to the clinic and he would see me as soon as he got off the plane the next time he was in Dubbo.  He has been a wonderful doctor and I'm lucky to have found someone who is knowledgeable, straightforward and understanding.

Since first meeting with him, we've adjusted the meds based on the pain I'm having or not having.  The first 3 months were not good and the pain had me teaching from my chair most days.  Over Easter, after changing meds, the pain definitely decreased.  We've since adjusted again and are hoping we've found the magic combination.  Again, I am so lucky to have found such a great doctor and I'm also lucky to have found a reiki/reflexology practioner who has been working on my feet and balancing me out  :)  I've started at the gym, but unfortunately can only swim.  That's ok though, because it's better than nothing!

I just wanted to give you that update, as some people had been asking how things are going in that area.  I feel very old and stiff some days, but other days are good.  You just take it in stride...

Now, onto more exciting things... daily life in Dubbo!!  lol

I've said before that I love Dubbo and that hasn't changed.  Again, the country hospitality I've been shown here is unbelievable and more than I could have ever expected!!

Since coming back from holidays, school has been keeping me very busy and right now I should be working on reports still.  Oh well, some things never change... procrastinating  :) 

After arriving back to Dubbo, the next event was Anzac Day.  It is a memorial day, but in particular marks the anniversary of the Anzac soliders (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) to arrive at Gallipoli in Turkey, during World War 1. Sunrise services, marches and memorial services are held throughout Australia and New Zealand on April 25.
I attended all of the services with Bridget and Geoff, who have become dear friends here in Dubbo.  Geoff does a local radio show and was a sports announcer for many years.  He was asked to lead the services for Anzac Day and be the Master of Ceremonies.  I met the mayor of Dubbo, Matthew Dickerson, that day and he actually wrote about our conversation in his weekly newspaper column that week. - Check out page 28.

The cenotaph in Dubbo at the Sunrise Service

Preparing for the march.

Veterans who are unable to march in the parade are driven in antique cars

Everyone who is part of a service club, a school or serving/served in any type of forces, take part in the march.  Residents of Dubbo line the streets and as these men and women pass by, the residents show their respect with claps of appreciation.  It was an amazing thing to be a part of.
This veteran was still able to drive himself in the parade and I just loved the image of him with his Australian flag flying on top of his cart.

This young man was marching with his school, but carried one of his deceased family member's medals with him.

Members of our school marching.

Geoff, the Master of Ceremonies, back at the Cenotaph  for the afternoon service.

The last weekend in April, I was invited to join the Dubbo Touch Footy organization, to go watch the Trans Tasman competition in Mudgee.  We set out on our hired coach (aka bus) and toured a couple of wineries in the area and then watched 3 games of Touch.  The games were Australia vs New Zealand and were 3 separate teams - mixed, ladies and men's.  It was held in the new stadium in Mudgee which is an amazing facility.  Australia won all 3 games and I even got to see my first Haka performed by the New Zealand men's team.

Some photos around one of the wineries, showing the beautiful fall colors in Mudgee.

Some of the Dubbo Touch Footy crew.

The men's teams getting ready, the anthems being played.

I've also been hanging out with my neighbors and watching their middle and youngest son play lots of soccer.  We've been to Orange and Mudgee (nearby towns) to watch, but have also watched lots of games in Dubbo.  They have become my Aussie family and their home is a refuge when I need family time, cuddles with the puppy or playtime with the lamb, a homecooked meal or a glass of wine.  They are incredible people and I am truly blessed for the time we share together.  With 3 boys in their home, almost the same age as Jaden, Kalan, and Asha, I feel right at home and they ease the homesickness for my family.  They are already planning a visit to Canada and the boys have all informed me that they are doing a Gap year in Canada.  Sounds great to me!

This is Rosie, she was about 10 days old here.  She was taken in by my neighbors until she got bigger and could be moved to a farm.  Last week, she was taken to their friend's place where they'll enjoy her as a new pet, not dinner :)  She will be coming into my class for show n tell.

Well, I think that's a lot of updating for one post  :)  I do apologize for it taking so long to get to it.  If I'm trying to avoid my report cards this next weekend, I'll post some more ha ha!

I do hope everyone is well and hope you're enjoying the photos and updates.  All the best!